Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Creative Juice

Cathie Filian is posting really adorable Halloween crafts this month - it looks like she's posting something daily all month. So go look, because there's some great costume ideas and also some cute decor ideas.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quilted autumn leaves

quilted autumn leaves
Originally uploaded by Mellicious
It's fall - even here on the Gulf, the nighttime temps have dropped quite a lot - and I just happened to notice this picture of my beloved fall leaf quilt, which apparently made Flickr's 'interesting' page briefly back when I first posted it. (Here is the finished version:

I had been planning on making a fall-themed quilt for several years, and I had quite a stash of fall fabrics. But I went absolutely crazy with the 3" paper-pieced leaves, and I ended up begging bits of fabric at the retreat I was at while I was working on these blocks. I know my mother and my aunt both contributed, and I think I few other people too. It's still not anything resembling a charm quilt - there are definitely repeats, but it does have a nice variety of fabrics.

Now I need to go find this quilt and get it out for the season.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Scrap Box Bracelet

Here is a partial shot of the bracelet I made in my BeadFest Texas class:

The class was excellent, and I actually got my bracelet finished, which is amazing (although I may go back and redo the jump-rings, because while they look great, they are a little large for normal use. By which I mostly mean that they seem prone to catch on things.) Anyway, I duly pounded on metal and used various kinds of rivets and cold connections, and I am very happy and tired and I enjoyed my class immensely. Kim St. Jean was the teacher; she has a book coming out after Christmas, I believe they said.

(I'm not kidding about being tired. I hope this is moderately coherent.)

Kim's book:
Mixed Metal Mania: Solder, rivet, hammer, and wire exceptional jewelry

(Or you can also order it from her website, I believe: )